Sunday, June 21, 2009

May 23, 2009

今日はさかなとごはんをたべました。あきはばらにきました。Tokyo Anime Center にきました。くびわをさがしました。上野に来ました。あとではゆめのらめんをたべました。しぶやとよよぎをきました。よよぎこえんをさがしました。よよぎこえんをさがしませんでした。東京とたかだのばばといけぶくろとしんじゅくにきました。りんぐをたべました。よるはちゃあはんをたべました。

さがす - look for
くびわ - necklace
ちゃあはん - chinese fried rice
りんぐ - donut
つけめんらーめん - cold noodles with a dipping soup

Cultural Notes:
1. People may not go to close to the Imperial Palace.
2. Cold Stone ice cream can be found in Shinjuku.
3. つけめんらーめん is really good.

Today I went around looking for a necklace I wanted and went to the Tokyo Anime Center. After that I had ramen for lunch, at a famous ramen shop. Then I went around to Shibuya, Shinjuku, Takadanobaba and Ikebukuro along with Yoyogi to look for the park that is there. I did not find the park though, so I headed back for dinner.

May 22, 2009

今日はぎんこうにきました。あとではTokyoDislandland にきました。楽しいでした。おおきですね。クレプをたべました。あきはばらにきました。あきはばらでおてらをみました。ばんごはんはてんやたべにきました。ホテルにかえりました。テレビをみました。

かわり - exchange, transaction
ゆうえんち - amusement park
ポップコーン - popcorn
パレード - parade
えんげいかい - a show

Cultural Notes:
1. Disneyland is well liked, very empty and fun.
2. Curry flavored popcorn in Disneyland
3. As big as Akihabara is I found a small shrine in it.
Today I went to Tokyo Disneyland; which was more enjoyable than Disney World because it was emptier, and line were a lot shorter so I could do more. After my time was done there I wanted some tempura at a tenya so I got some and headed back to the hotel.

May 21, 2009


にくまんじゅ - meat bun
ピーナツ - peanuts
しお - tide
すいぞくかん - aquarium
しか - deer

Cultural Notes:
1. In Japan people do not point but people make a showing gesture.
2. Japan has machine things outside of small restaurants to order food
3. The deer on Miyajima are really friendly.

Today in Miyajima I went to Mt. Misen, after that I went and got a yukata, and had yakisoba for lunch. Then I bought a meatbun which I did not like that much, but I really liked the peanut covered big dango I found! Later on the way back to Tokyo in the train station I had noodles. Later for dinner I had more noodles along with dumplings.

May 20, 2009

今日は朝ごはんMister Donut をたべました。広島にきました。昼ごはんはお好み焼きを食べました。とてもういでした。ひろしまはくぶつかんをみました。みやじまにきました。でんとうてきでした。さしみを食べました。とりいをみました。ふろにはいりました。十二時にねました。

でんとうてき(な) - traditional
とせん - ferry
お好み焼き - choice, like
ついとう mourning memorial
ぜんばずる - string of 1000 paper cranes.

Cultural Notes:
1. Kids near Hiroshima and Miyajima like to say hi to foreigners more than Tokyo and Kyoto.
2. Miyajima is known for these leaf shape bread like snacks with red bean paste inside.
3. Miyajima is a small island that you can get to by ferry.

Today I had breakfast in Mister Donut, then headed to Hiroshima by bullet train. There we looked at the memorial and the museum. For lunch we ate a type of pancake type of thing. After that we headed to the small island of Miyajima which was a really cool place.

May 19, 2009


みたらし- font for cleaning hands
だんご - sweet dumplings
とりい- shinto archway
ほうり - pineapple
ねぎ - shinto priest

Cultural Notes:
1. Spongebob is on tv in Japan.
2. Stitch is seen everywhere.
3. Different types of dango! Like green tea ones.

Today I went to the Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine, that is famous for its 1000 Torii gates. I went all the way to the top and then went for some ramen and dumplings. After that I went to Kinkaukouji. Later I bought some dango! For dinner I ate pork.

Friday, June 19, 2009