Friday, June 19, 2009

May 14、2009

今日は朝ごはんもうさかなとごはんをたべました。原宿に来ました。しんでんを見ました。ひるごはんはてんやにたべました。とてもおいしかった。てんやは大好き。とうきょうえどはくぶつかんにきました。おもうしろいかった。あきはばらはにきました。Bookoff は本を買いました。もうへてんやをたべました。

はくぶつかん - museum
しんでん - temple
大きなチョゴレとチップメロン - big chocolate chip melon bread
てんや - delicious food place; tempura
おわん - small bowl

Cultural notes:
1. Before entering a temple or shrine most people wash their hands.
2. Most shrines and temples sell charms for all kinds of things; like good luck on exam charms for the students.
3. てんや are amazing!

Today I ate fish and rice for breakfast again. I went to Harajuku again and saw the temple there. Then I ate lunch at a tempura place, it was really good; so much that I found another so I could have dinner there again. I bought a big chocolate chip bread that was delicious. I went to the Tokyo Edo Museum which was really interesting. Then went to Akihabara and I bought a book at a Book Off store.

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