Friday, June 19, 2009

May 16, 2009

今日は名古屋に来ました。Baskin Robins はイスクリムをたべました。ポケモンのみせをポケモンカードを買いました。昼ごはんはとんかつをたべました。あとではみたらしだんほをたべました。とてもおいしくてすごいでした。みたらしだんごはだいすき。なごやじょうにきました。ばんごはんはすずき先生のかぞくに会いました。たくさん食べ物を食べました。

じょう - castle
とんかつ - deep fried pork
みたらしだんご - awesome rice balls, fried, dipped in a special sauce and skewered.
シティモール - mall
ほるい - fort

Cultural Notes:
1.Train stations can act as mall as well, or have mall next to them.
2.To enter buildings, little bags are provided for carrying around umbrellas on rainy days.
3. みたらしだんご is amazing.

Today I went to Nagoya. I bought some ice cream at Baskin Robins and bought some pokemon cards at a pokemon shop. For lunch I had deep fried pork, then bought mitarashi dango which were really good. They are skewered rice balls. After I went to Nagoya castle. For dinner I met my teachers family at a Korean BBQ and ate lots of food.

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